Thursday, October 27, 2011
公积金, 积给了谁?
我们的 EPF 规模, 的确是有一定的 "地位". 这当然是非常可喜的事. 至少, 每年稳定的回酬, 虽然不算很高, 起码也能为辛苦工作的大马人民对退休的存款有些许的憧憬.
问题是, 在这么一个腐败又不透明的政府管理下, 我们年轻时辛苦累积的养老金, 真的会 "完壁归赵" 吗? 还是到年老退休时, 才惊觉那只是一场空?
$145B (~ 4千6百亿马币) 的总资产竟然可以无担保, 甚至不符条件下贷出 907亿! 这是接近 20% 的总资产!!! 这笔资产, 你我都是它的主人, 却有人可以神通广大, 大量提取! 国库空虚, 美化的预算案, 除了年年赤字, 还大派糖果来捞票. 钱从哪来? 画公仔就不必画出墙了吧.
如果怕这种伎俩被看穿, 还有几个方法可行.
1. 提高退休年龄
2. 限制退休后一次性提取存款
3. 降低回酬率
这些都像目前各国的债务危机, 表面解决, 实际上只是拖延的把问题挪后而已.
当然, 我不是神. 不能肯定的说我们退休时会得不到年轻时存下来的 EPF. 只能说, 我们的存款被 "莫名其妙" 地侵蚀的可能性是存在的.
所以, 我宁愿用尽一切的方法, 能够提出多少就多少. 前提是, 我必须能创造比 EPF 更高的投资. 其实, EPF 一年也不过平均 5.5% 的利息. 要高过它, 不难.
有两种方法可以每年/每季定时的提出我们的存款. 当然不是全部.
1. 用于供屋. 然后, refinance, 一直地从 EPF ACC 2 提出.
2. 投资股票. (我个人不建议信托基金)
总的来说, 只要你明白你的目的是什么, 提早提出公积金, 其实利多于弊.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
ROI of YTLP 4G - Just my 2 cents.
My thoughts on YY's comments:
I prefer not to be too optimistic, though the management sounds prudent.
Let's be realistic in 4G investment. How many yrs do you think is feasible for it's ROI?
So far, YTLP has invested $280mil. How much still required? We don't know. Let's assume another $280mil for future expansion. That would total : $560mil.
1st, since there is no benchmark for it's profitability, let's use DIGI as ref, 22% net profit. (I bet you dont want to use G.Packet, right?)
2nd Q: How much is the charges? Competition is getting stronger. I would give an average of $100 per subscription. Fair?
3rd Q: What is Malaysia population? --> 28mil. Assuming 5 pax per family, that give you 5.6mil family in WHOLE MALAYSIA.
4th Q: How wide is YES coverage? P1 has been putting millions and yet to cover the whole nation. How far can YES go with $560mil? Assuming 50%, fair?
5th Q: In that 50% coverage area, how much market share can YES gained? Again, 50%, fair? (i think this is very high already!)
6th Q: What is the % of subscription? From statistic, currently the whole nation still below 40% of subscription to broandband. Again, let's assume it will grow to 70% soon. Good enuf?
OK, then let's do the calculation on ROI:
Estimated Net Profit = RM100 x 5.6mil x 50% x 50% x 70% x 22% = RM21.56mil
ROI? = RM21.56/RM560 = 3.85%!
How much does it contribute to YTLP group earning? = RM21.56/RM1201 = 1.8%!!!
Don't forget, all the above assumption has been made relatively OPTIMISTIC!
Is 4G going to be a good biz to YTLP? I doubt.
I prefer not to be too optimistic, though the management sounds prudent.
Let's be realistic in 4G investment. How many yrs do you think is feasible for it's ROI?
So far, YTLP has invested $280mil. How much still required? We don't know. Let's assume another $280mil for future expansion. That would total : $560mil.
1st, since there is no benchmark for it's profitability, let's use DIGI as ref, 22% net profit. (I bet you dont want to use G.Packet, right?)
2nd Q: How much is the charges? Competition is getting stronger. I would give an average of $100 per subscription. Fair?
3rd Q: What is Malaysia population? --> 28mil. Assuming 5 pax per family, that give you 5.6mil family in WHOLE MALAYSIA.
4th Q: How wide is YES coverage? P1 has been putting millions and yet to cover the whole nation. How far can YES go with $560mil? Assuming 50%, fair?
5th Q: In that 50% coverage area, how much market share can YES gained? Again, 50%, fair? (i think this is very high already!)
6th Q: What is the % of subscription? From statistic, currently the whole nation still below 40% of subscription to broandband. Again, let's assume it will grow to 70% soon. Good enuf?
OK, then let's do the calculation on ROI:
Estimated Net Profit = RM100 x 5.6mil x 50% x 50% x 70% x 22% = RM21.56mil
ROI? = RM21.56/RM560 = 3.85%!
How much does it contribute to YTLP group earning? = RM21.56/RM1201 = 1.8%!!!
Don't forget, all the above assumption has been made relatively OPTIMISTIC!
Is 4G going to be a good biz to YTLP? I doubt.
Monday, October 10, 2011
YTLP - 可以行动了
大选的跫音已经越来越近,有了 308 的借景,加上目前外围的动荡,无论怎么看,都不觉得目前是进场的好时机。毕竟,住套房的机会还是比较高。选时难啊!
先谈谈 YTL 整个集团。虽然有着很浓厚的家族关系,但也不失为一只好股。最起码它为股东制造的长期利益是不容置疑的。另外,YTL 给我最好的印象有两项:
YTLP 原本只涉及电力和水务管理。管理层在这方面可以说已经是得心应手。从以上的图表,不难看出其电力和水务的业绩是非常稳定的。这背后其实就关系到管理层英名的手段,两项业务都拥有很长的供应合约,简直就是一头现金牛。水务位于英国,难免会被汇率影响。
美中不足的是,YTLP 也去搞 4G. 当年的 Mesdaq 股王 - Green Packet 也是因为这行业而到现在还不能翻身;从当年坐拥巨额现金的公司,到现在负债累累,下场真的是惨不忍睹。YTLP 搞的 4G, 到目前为止也是不遑多让。一年内就花了接近 3 亿。若不是这缘故,或许 YTLP 今天的股价就不会这么难看了。
无论如何,YTLP 的企业背景和历史都比 Green Packet 来得强,而且我相信像杨家这类大富豪在大马的地位 (政治) 还是会有优势的。大不了就把 4G 的业务给斩了,净利马上就可以飙升。再者,YTLP 的派息也颇大方的。以目前的股价,要得到 6% 的股息应该不难。如果 Q3 & Q4 的业绩得以保持,那么在 PE < 10 的情况下买进这头金鹅,胜算应该很高,但别期望它为你开翻。
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